Thursday, November 22, 2007

on death

sadness must accompany happiness,
chaos among tranquility,
cold with the heat;
the old versus the young,
the timid and the bold;
the juxtaposition
and twisted harmony that these
opposites have in life.

death gives way to birth.
mourn a life whose legacy will
be hidden away with time,
but not forgotten--
celebrate new beginnings
for new opportunities and
future endeavors.

i am sorry for my empty promises;
i will never live that down.
the blood tests are over,
the poking and prodding is no more,
the hospital stays have ended,
your body no longer has to waste away to nothing.
you are no longer sick,
but you traded your life here
for one with good health.
rest in peace,
dance for me,
serenade the masses--
we'll be listening for your guitar.

i love you and miss you.