Wednesday, April 16, 2008

several questions--

give me some responses!

1. if you were to have a child/children, regardless of how you feel about having children in the future, what could we expect to see? (eg. you would have a girl, she would have brown hair, etc.)
2. why did your parents give you the name you have?
3. should the government substantially fund the arts?
4. who wants to help me with calculus? :)

1 comment:

TMC said...

1. My mousey brown hair and blue eyed genes would be trumped by my husband's jet black hair, brown eyes and caramelly skin. But no, no kids, thank you.
2. A 50% Irish-Am girl needs a 100%Irish name to prove she came from somewhere more prestigious than Long Beach, CA.
3. Moderate suppport's good.
4. oh, sorry... I'm no help there. (and I'd hope the class ended w/ the spring semester, so you don't have to think about it anymore!)